Monday, June 26, 2006

Think before you speak....

"Think before you speak," is an adage that has been spoken to us from a very early age. Due to recent events I am not so certain this is something that is as ingrained in all of us like I once may have thought. When my friends and I sat around yesterday recapping the unexpected drama of the previous night, each individual episode could have been avoided in its entirety if the offenders would have simply adhered to this wise direction. All of us fail to think of how someone else might feel in many situations. We say things without thought and act without thinking how the recipient of our thoughts and actions might feel. Then we have the audacity to act surprised at the consequences that may then follow. I think we all need to take a moment and realize how these sagacious adages from our childhood can carry over into our adult lives. Some are easier than others. Most of us manage to not talk with our mouths full, we certainly look both ways before we cross the street, and we certainly know better than to run with scissors. But when it comes to the hard stuff like doing unto others and we would have done to us or my current focus of thinking before we speak there is a struggle between law and execution of such.

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